The Secret To Giving A Great Massage

Okay, settle down. We know this topic can get everyone a little giggly, but with V-Day coming up, the idea of a sensual massage with your S.O. has probably popped into your head. Fact is, massage is a beneficial practice year-round, not just when you're feeling frisky. Which is why it's important to know the basics, so you can reap the mind, body, and soul benefits.
We caught up with celebrity massage therapist Dorothy "Dr. Dot" Stein — who has helped release the tension from the bodies of Lady Gaga, Sting, and Bon Jovi, among others — to get her tips on how to perform the perfect massage. "Giving a great massage is the best present you could ever give anyone," she says. "Spoiling the ones you love, soothing a fussy baby, relaxing a stressed pet...and frankly, it's good karma to give a great massage."
From the tools you need, to how much pressure you should use, this helpful guide will teach you everything you need to know about giving an at-home massage. Study up and surprise your sweetie — then have them take notes so they can return the favor.

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