Men’s Shoes That Should Be For Women

As a man who works at Refinery29, I'm surrounded every day by beautiful shoes, whether a colleague glides past in a shiny, new pair of pumps or the latest It ballet flats land in the fashion closet for an upcoming shoot. So, I’m going to be candid with you for a second: I secretly (or not so secretly) wish I could slide my feet into the wide assortment of gorg women’s steppers that cross my path here at the office. And, for good reason — shoes are pretty magical, right?
So, any ladies willing to swap shoe closets with me? You won’t find jeweled stilettos or flashy booties in mine, but I promise you’ll spot a few just-as-legit styles. In fact, browse the men’s department of your fave shop and you may just discover a few stellar soles that could really be way more rad if they were created for women.
Click through to peep a few made-for-dudes shoes that are practically begging for women's feet. Because, if the shoe fits (even just figuratively), you should totally wear it.