Here’s The List Of The Most Googled Celebrities Of 2016

Every year, certain celebrities dominate the pop-culture sphere. These are the athletes, politicians, and movie stars who retain the media's interest every year, but the one major thing that they have in common is that they made major news. Some for wonderful reasons, others for...well, not-so-wonderful reasons.
Whether these famous faces spent 2016 winning gold medals or elections, you can bet that the world was reading about them almost daily. One way to find out who held the public's attention in 2016? Just see which names were typed into the Google search bar. No matter the reason you were searching for these celebrities, you can bet that there was a story about them.
Fortunately, our friends at Google are here to provide the receipts by sharing the list of the most Googled stars of 2016. You likely remember why we obsessed over these stars, but if not, here's a refresher before 2017 brings its own bouts of celebrity drama.


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