10 Hot Chicago Reads For Chilly Nights

Winter in Chicago wears out its welcome right around the time the temps get brutal enough to make us lose the feeling in our extremities. And, on the days you simply can’t bear to bundle up, there’s only one thing to do: Curl up with a good book, of course!
Lucky for you, we’ve compiled a list of reading material that will have you vicariously living through protagonists of both the fictional and non-fictional varieties. Written by local authors who make some not-so-subtle references to their Windy City inspirations (Chicagoans might recognize Lancaster's nod to Trader Joe's "Two-Buck Chuck," Bertsche's friend-date at English bar in River North, or Anshaw's mention of alt-weeklies Newcity and Chicago Reader), these tomes all ensure you won’t need to set foot outdoors to be ensconced in all your old, familiar surroundings. So, crack open those spines. The city is your oyster.

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