Oily Eyelids: How To Stop Them From Effing Up Your Makeup Game

If you have oily eyelids, you know that getting makeup to stay in place is a struggle. You probably know the drill all too well by now: wake up, put on your makeup, check your face at noon only to find that you're rockin' a serious pair of raccoon eyes — it's not a pretty sight. But, if it's any consolation, you're not alone. We've all been there.
We all create oil on our eyelids, some more than others. "We all have numerous tiny oil glands at the eyelash line to add oil to our tear film," says Dr. Ava Shamban, MD, dermatologist and assistant clinical professor of dermatology at UCLA. "This oil-water emulsion provides lubrication to the eyes and the oil prevents the water from evaporating."
There may not be a cure-all method that will completely stop our bodies from producing oil, but we can definitely take measures to curb it. We talked to a few industry pros to get the lowdown on some of the best ways to stop slick lids from wreaking havoc on your makeup. Read ahead to learn the secret to a life free of mascara smudges, liner fading, and creased shadows.
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