“I May Be The Most DTO Person On The Planet…”

In last year’s debate about which women should appear on the $20 bill, two names were conspicuously absent: Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. Maybe it was because they couldn’t fit two faces on the bill, or maybe it was because the twins released New York Minute (very hard to forgive that one). Regardless, let it be known that I’m totally DTO (Down To Olsen), and perhaps the most DTO person on the planet — with the possible exception of Olivier Sarkozy. So, when Refinery29 contacted me to delve deep into the Olsens' history and decode the (dark brown) roots of their success, my only response was, “YOU GOT IT, DUDE.”
What would your life be like, if you quite literally couldn’t remember a time when you weren’t a millionaire? It’s a question I ask myself every morning, and it’s an answer that the Olsen twins are currently living. The duo started making bank as babies, and amassed a net worth of $100 million dollars before they could even drink. One could summarize the Olsens’ success in two simple steps:
Step 1: Be born.
But those two steps are a somewhat simplistic, and fail to truly capture how America’s Fav Twins have managed to maintain cultural relevancy for their entire lives. So I’ve come up with a top 10 list, that unlocks the secrets of the Olsen triumph trajectory. It may be too late for most of us out there, but if you’re a baby with nothing to lose, here’s a primer on how to become an Olsen twin.

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