The Dirty Truth About Organic Food

[UPDATE: If you're planning on spending this weekend forgoing your usual diet of takeout and eat all-organic, read this first. Here's what you may not realize about the organics industry... This story was originally posted on July 17, 2012]
We’ve long been privy to the fact that organic foods — blissfully lacking in icky industrial solvents, pesticides, and growth hormones — are the healthier option for the human body. And since we’re all trying to live to be ageless 187-years-olds, making the switch to cleaner eating seems natural.
According to a recent New York Times article though, the fresh-food market has transformed from a mom-and-pop economy into a multi-billion dollar industry. "As soon as a value-added aspect was established, it didn’t take long before corporate America came knocking," Michael J. Potter, CEO of Eden Foods, told the Times. Bottom line: There's some shady activity hiding behind a lot of certified organic labels.
We did some digging and uncovered five surprising things you may not know about those so-called health foods you're paying top dollar for. Seriously, that salad might not be so green after all.
Photographed by Ingalls Photo

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