Pantone Names Its Colors Of Spring, & We Find Makeup To Match

Color trends seem to go by the seasons: light shades for the warmer months, and darker hues in the winter. That's just the way things go, right? Well, in the Pantone Universe, all colors are fair game all the time — and we appreciate it.
So, when the company released its trend report for spring 2015, we knew to expect a wide range of colors. And, we were right. Bright strawberries are nestled alongside deep almond shades. Grays cuddle with tangerines. It's a whole rainbow, and it proves what we've always believed: You can wear any color, any damn season you please.
To confirm that fact, we've rounded up 10 products that coincide with the shade trends of next spring. You can wear them now, or wear them later. Just know you'll 100% be rocking these guys come April.

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