5 Really Bad Skin Care Tips You’ve Probably Seen On Pinterest

When it comes to fashion tips, home decor, and even a day-brightening quote or two, Pinterest is inarguably the place to go. But, for skin care hacks? Not so much. That is not to say, though, that we've never found ourselves with homemade mayonnaise masks slathered across our faces or even stranger concoctions rubbed onto our limbs after surfing the site.
Ask a derm about many of these DIYs, however, and they’ll tell you they’re ineffective at best — and, at worst, extremely damaging to the skin. “Remember, your skin is an organ,” says Rachel Nazarian, a dermatologist with Schweiger Dermatology in New York City. “You wouldn’t throw random kitchen and household chemicals on your eyes, or in your ears. Don’t treat your skin any differently.” So much truth. Next time you’ve got an emergency-level pimple or patch of peeling skin, try the drugstore rather than the kitchen — you’ll want to dodge these recipes like the plague.      


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