If you liked Santacon, you certainly will be a fan of PolarBearCon, an activist bike ride featuring hipsters dressed as how we imagine Lady Gaga would play a polar bear. Don't worry, there's a huge photo gallery. (Gothamist)
New Yorkers celebrated the death of Osama bin Laden with impromptu celebrations at Ground Zero and Times Square. "Showing that we actually have the power to get the guys proves that we can move forward now," said one Big Apple resident. (Huffington Post)
Donald Trump got roasted repeatedly at the White House Corespondent's dinner by President Obama and host Seth Meyers. We laughed—until we realized he lives here (C-SPAN)
If you're a stingy tipper, don't read new Brooklyn Tumblr "15%: a bunch of shitty tips," which details really, really, really shameful tips on delivery orders. Or do—maybe next time you'll pony up.(Gawker)
Every "crazy" Alexander McQueen dress Coco Rocha wanted to wear to tonight's Met Ball is already in the exhibition.