When we think of Polaroid photos, our nostalgic sides come out as we reminisce over the moment-capturing, groundbreaking camera. It must’ve been all that shaking and waiting that made peeping quick snapshot results so exciting. So, when we heard the company has plans to start opening up its own brick and mortars in select cities, we were immediately intrigued. However, what we’ve come to learn is that instead of honoring the classic framed shots Polaroid is known for, it decided to get with the times.
The new stores, dubbed Fotobars, feature modern and sleek interiors and will be devoted to printing out the photos you captured and posted on your phone or social-media outlets for instant in-your-hand access. And as dwellers of this tech-obsessed city, we assumed Polaroid’s first choice would be to open shop in the Bay — but we couldn’t have been more off the mark.
Photo: Via Facebook/Polaroid Fotobar