Before she tapped the fountain of youth, Demi Moore set the standard for all pregnancy pictures. Shock, awe, disgust, amazement...no matter how you felt about her nude photo on the cover of this 1991 issue of Vanity Fair, likely, you were talking about it. Not to mention, over the past 21 years we have lost count of how many similar photos have followed the footsteps of the Annie Leibovitz's intimate shot, including Miranda Kerr for W and Britney Spears in Harper's Bazaar.
We didn't find it shocking that Leibovitz doesn't credit this debate-sparking image as one of her favorites (we have lots, too, and so do our friends over at Flavorwire — check these if you feel so inclined), but heck, the renowned photographer doesn't even think the iconic shot is good! “It was a popular picture and it broke ground, but I don’t think it’s a good photograph per se," Leibovitz told Vanity Fair several years ago. "It’s a magazine cover. If it were a great portrait, she wouldn’t be covering her breasts. She wouldn’t necessarily be looking at the camera." Whatever you say Annie, we won't argue with the master. (Flavorwire)
Photo: Via Flavorwire