Take A Private Tour Of Coach’s NYC Offices

Those among us who really love a certain few fashion brands know full well, that affection doesn't exactly stop short at the cash wrap. No, no...our curiosity goes way deeper than that. From the secret suede lining of a sumptuous handbag to the funky contrast stitching of a tasseled bootie, we love all the beautiful details that go into building our favorite lines.
Enter Style HQ: A shiny new column that indulges our shared obsession with the behind-the-scenes worlds of fashion's most coveted collections. And, well, we couldn't think of a more fitting brand to kick it off than Coach, which, at 70 years and counting, continues on its path to world handbag domination (hello classic Duffel!).
Here, on our very first visit, we got a personal tour of Coach's sleek NYC offices — and its very well-dressed employees — from the brand's SVP of Design Management, Kimberly Price. Were we surprised to learn she used to carry a Coach bag in high school? Like, who didn't? Read on for our own little window into Coach world...and a closer look at the spring/summer 2012 collection.

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