10 Real-Life Moments Right Out Of Zoolander

Update: This story was originally published on April 13, 2012, and Zoolander, well, that movie just never gets old. No matter how much the flick may make you laugh, outlandish fashion moments aren't always scripted. Here's proof.
We all know that there's more to life than being really, really ridiculously good looking (chocolate-covered pretzels, for one. Or warm clothes straight from the get the point).
But for some, the modus operandi is that fashion and beauty really are the end-all, be-all, which explains how some of the industry antics that follow happened IRL instead of in the next Zoolander film. Yes, that includes underground male model fights, 6-inch-tall bags made of diamonds, and the real-life version of Derelicte. Ahead, 10 fashion moments that'll have you thinking Mogatu is actually running the show.

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