The 30 Most Instagrammed Restaurants In S.F.

This post was originally published on November 12, 2014. San Francisco is a city that's famously packed to the brim with outstanding eateries. So, it makes sense Bon Appétit would crown our city the "best food city in the country" right now. In fact, you’d be hard-pressed to walk into a Bay Area restaurant and not spy someone hovering over their food, trying to nail that perfect snap. And, with so much edible eye-candy, we decided to round up some of the city’s most Insta'd spots.
You know the ones — the perpetual favorites with the prettiest plates that make everyone (even the food-pic haters) reach for their camera the second it touches the table. From Outerlands' rustic concoctions to Foreign Cinema’s famous Pop Tarts, not only will these dishes make your tummy growl, they'll also get you plenty of virtual love, so you can watch those little hearts of approval trickle in. Okay, time to get snappy.

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