Food FOMO Alert! Here’s What Lazy Girls Snack On Around The World

Photographed by Sarah Balch.
In today’s world, it can seem like there are more things dividing us than uniting us. What, then, seems to be a universal truth? Getting hangry, for one. Come mid-afternoon, many of us reach for a little pick me up in the form of an easy, fast, pop-it-in-your-mouth snack. Here in the States, snack culture is pretty common: Peek in a pantry or desk drawer and you’re likely to find things like trail mix, snack bars, and nut-butter packets. But recently, as I was chomping down on my usual midday snack of raw almonds, I wondered: What would I be eating if I were at a desk in, say, Japan? Or Iceland? Immediately, I got major snack FOMO and set out to survey my friends who live or have lived around the world. Now, I'm realizing just how unoriginal American snacks can be (in some cases). Click through to find out what glorious snacks — including 7-Eleven goodies — we’re missing.

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