Skin Growths
As we age, little bumps can appear on the skin and leave us wondering what they are. Often times, they're mistaken for clogged pores and attempted extractions go awry. Next, you might try to treat the skin with harsh products thinking it’s could be a particularly angry pimple. But, because you're doing more harm than good due to the misdiagnosis, skin is left dry and irritated — and those weird bumps are still there.

Ingrown Hairs
For most, summer means more time spent in a bathing suit, which means dealing with the dreaded bikini area. Bumps on the bikini line can quickly become an embarrassing issue. Ingrown hairs can occur from waxing or shaving the bikini area, and while they can be very painful and noticeable, they're also preventable.

Cystic Acne
Most people are familiar with what a normal pimple looks like. However, cystic acne is another type of bump that can show up and be mistaken for something else. Cystic acne blemishes are those hard, painful blemishes that develop deep within the skin, often appear on the chin, jawline, or the bikini area — and can linger for weeks. If a cystic acne blemish pops up — which can be more common as summer approaches — whatever you do, do not pick at it. Treat the affected area immediately with a treatment designed specifically for cysts which will reduce the infection and cut healing time. Apply ice to reduce inflammation and reduce soreness. Then, give the cyst time to heal, as your body will eventually re-absorb this infection.