You Might Be Ruining Your Skin In Your Sleep

We don’t have to tell you that sleep is important. We know that when we don’t get enough rest or when we snooze poorly, we wake up cranky and snarly and essentially not the best versions of ourselves. But, many people might not know that the same holds true for our skin.
“Skin suffers and goes through a lot during the daytime, so nighttime is very valuable for skin to recover from everyday damage and wear and tear,” says dermatologist Misbah Khan of M. Khan Dermatology.
And, it’s not just in the immediate — hello, puffy eyes and lackluster skin! — but in the long term as well. “Sleeping gives the skin a chance to repair itself and fight breakouts,” says Dr. Jennifer MacGregor of Union Square Dermatology. “So, poor sleep is associated with accelerated aging of the skin because it reduces the skin’s ability to repair damage.”
So, to help make your first glance in the mirror a little less Dawn of the Dead and more Pretty Woman for mornings to come, we're breaking down the steps you can take during — and slightly before — your shut-eye to get the best skin possible. Ahead, all the tips for making the most of your time spent between the sheets.

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