Rendez-Rude: This NYC Speed-Date Night Is For “Skinny Minnies” Only

Speed dating. Whether you think it's what already happens (naturally) in NYC, or you're thinking of a roomful of singles with a buzzer, we all know how damning and thorny dating in general can be. But now, there's a speed-date night that's not just thorny — it's the whole damn prickle bush. For the site On Speed Dating, the perks of speed dating (no spendy dinners, no awkward kisses, no misinterpreted texts, no wasted afternoons…at least not on the first date) come at the cost of owning up to certain truths, including that some guys look only for petite girls. And while everyone's allowed to have personal preference, On Speed Dating's skinny girls only date night is highly, highly questionable. Sure, we all know New Yorkers are known for zero bull in relationships (because who has time for that anyway?), but the troubling argument here is, would it be better to check your games and schemes at the door and wear your heart dress-size requirements on your sleeve? Sounds a bit like buying a car. Except much, much more personal and in the case of size-matters, much more offensive.
The details? On Speed Dating hosted its second installment of "Skinny Minny" night, accommodating one mandatory quality: Ladies, you must wear sizes 0-8, and you must display your size on your lapel (sorry, even plus-size models, however models, won't be allowed through the door). So, why undergo such demeaning scrutiny, you ask? While the skinny gal's requirements may not be exhibited outwardly, you can count on the first question being, "So, how much DO you make?"
And they lived happily ever after...until she got fat and he went bankrupt. (Scallywag and Vagabond)

Photo: Via Scallywag and Vagabond

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