Have you ever grabbed your phone in the morning and felt like social media was out to get you? There's a notification that your mom liked your #TBT, which is cute. So you open up Instagram to see what else has happened while you were sleeping, and it feels like, oh, okay, everyone bought a cuter apartment than yours in the dead of the night.
There are tiny plants everywhere in adorable little cups that seem totally impractical, the walls look almost bleached (again, totally impractical), and a chair juts out from the desk just so, with a Textural Accent thrown ever-so-gingerly across its back. Do these people live in houses or on sets?
We're kind of over lifestyle Pinterest-mageddon and would love to see some fresh ideas for the new year. Here, we've rounded up the worst trend offenders and offered up some alternatives for your space — "Like" counts be damned.