The biggest challenge I've ever faced
“Right now, I’m new to retail — I used to have more of a writing focus. Now that I’m on the visual side of fashion versus the writing side, I view my magazine collection and inspirations in a whole different way. So, I’m trying to learn from my new coworkers and play by the rules. It’s only once you know the rules that you can start to break them. Starting right out and doing something crazy just to see if it will stick isn’t the right way to go about it. So, I’m being a little cautious now, but that’s only so I can be rebellious later.”
What I do to feel glamorous
"I amp up my look with lipstick, whether it’s pink or red or dark or neon. I change my hair like every six months. I’m not shy about that. Finally, I don’t accessorize most of the week, but I feel pretty glamorous whenever I wear my gold necklaces, shiny rings, and grills!"
How I find a balance
“I make time to hang out with my friends, family, and the people I love so I can decompress. Also — cornball time — being with them helps me remember who I am and whose support got me to where I am. I also like to read YA novels and practice yoga when I can. Does binge-watching TV shows count?”