— You may have the navigational skills of Magellan, but the newly launched CityMaps social app may prove to be your most powerful tool. Instead of your typical "I'm completely lost" navigation app, CityMaps allows you to search a city by interest and view instant reviews and itineraries. Follow friends, save your favorite recommendations, and share your best curated maps. It's a surefire way to always have trusted advice at your fingertips and, of course, avoid that "I have no idea where I am" feeling.
Free for iPhone.
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Venmo — Admittedly, Venmo is not only a summer favorite but an all-time one. At least, it is around the R29 neck of the woods. The social app syncs up with your bank account or credit card and allows you to pay pals for your portion of the big weekend-brunch tab or beach-house rental — all without ever writing a check. And, with no fees attached (seriously, none), it's the perfect way to stay on top of any inevitable IOUs and never feel like you need to chase down the closest ATM.
Free for iPhone and Android.

Waze — "Road trip!" The two words can lose a bit of the wonder and excitement when you hit the open road and find a bumper-to-bumper nightmare. But that doesn't have to be the case with Waze. Unlike a regular navigation program, Waze lets you connect with other users to share a heads up on real-time traffic changes or that rather-be-avoided speeding trap. Plus, Waze connects you with friends who are on the same route, shares your ETA, and locates the closest gas station for an easy, enjoyable, and efficient summertime on the road.
Free for iPhone and Android.

Throwback — Until now, Thursdays seemed to have all the throwback fun, with pictures of college semesters abroad or the time you rocked a sequin scrunchy in your fifth-grade school photo. But with the new Throwback app that launched this year, you'll be able to arrange the perfect moment of nostalgia at any time you like. In fact, you can schedule it right now. Simply choose or take a photo on your phone, and Throwback throws it to the future. Send a picture of today's perfect sunset to your BFF and have it arrive just in time for her birthday. In March. Or select a photo from your summer vacay, and send yourself a personal pick-me-up at any random point, from one month to five years away. Trust, the pleasant surprise of this flashback — on Thursday, or not — will be worth the wait.
Free for iPhone.

$1.99 for iPhone

Restroom Finder — Plain and simple, nothing kills the mood of a picnic at the beach or a walk around a foreign city like nature calling. This user-generated app tracks down the closest lavatory, so you'll never have to cut your plans short or be forced to spontaneously squat. Also, when in doubt, don't forget to go before you leave the house!
Free for iPhone and Android.