Feeling Brave? Take A Swim In Mexico’s Spectacular Flooded Caves

Warning: this excursion may contain bats. After all, when you decide to take a casual dip in Mexico's ancient, cerulean-streamed cenotes (think: flooded cave), you're bound to encounter a few unexpected surprises. Believed by the Mayans to represent the fluid portal between life and death, cenotes stud the lush landscape of the Quintana Roo region, offering visitors and locals alike the chance to explore their strangely stunning subterranean wonders. Never mind that you might encounter a swarm of fluttering bats waiting just inside the moss-streaked cave mouth; it's all about the experience, right? Once they've scoped out Tulum's boho paradise of a boutique scene, Cori, Chelsea, and Grace throw on their suits for a slightly more rugged activity — wading into the cenote's jewel-blue waters to beat the afternoon sun. Watch the video above to join the women on their tropical adventure, in virtual reality, of course. Isn't that underground tree something straight out of Dr. Seuss?

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