Undeniably, we live in an age where everyone's trying to do everything (every singer's got a fragrance and every movie star's got a record deal). But that doesn't mean that these jacks-of-all-trades are actually good at the everything they try to master.
For Vera Wang, however, multiple disciplines are seemingly no challenge at all: The world-famous designer is also a ....wait for it... extremely able iceskater, and, as her "teach" with T-Mag's Edward Barsamian proves, a very patient teacher as well. Twirling around The Standard's rink, Wang wowed and educated Barsamian with her skating skillz (fun fact: At one point she even considered pursuing the sport at Olympic level!).
The perfect marriage of her two loves? A skating line of course! Okay, so maybe there's not as huge a market for short, sparkly velveteen unitards as there is for wedding dresses, but if it has a purple label on it, we'd definitely be tempted. (T Mag)

Photo: Via T Magazine