In NYC, when you're introduced to someone, names comes first, but rent inevitably comes second. This has to be one of the only cities where "How much do you pay?" is generally considered a normal question. Yes, real estate is always on the Big Apple brain, and our fascination with looking into other peoples APTs is endless. Sometimes the voyeurism can get a bit...weird, especially in the case of Felice Cohen, who allowed cameras into her—wait for it—90-square-foot apartment. Thought Catalog discovered this gem today—the "professional organizer," (not gonna lie, a bit confused about that one) delivers a comprehensive tour of the tiny space, emitting a constant stream of one-liners that read like a SNL skit. Though she had a panic attack the night she moved in sleeping in that shelf bed, she seems quite enthusiastic about the coziness, a word for small that we think no amount of Xanax could make palatable. We're definitely giving her props for her endearing positivity ("I have a friend with a larger apartment...and we end up hanging out here because it's cozier"), but her monthly rent of $700 seems a steep price to pay to never, ever being able to have a guy over.