Maybe you're one of the lucky few who never asks herself the big question — "Why can't I find someone?" — either because you're not single or, well, you just don't care. But, if you're not in that group, then you've probably questioned the hows and whys of dating in the nation's capital at least once. And now, we've got the fuschia-saturated proof of why you might be flying solo. Real estate website Trulia has cooked up this handy graphic to help visualize the ratio of women to men by neighborhood — the patches ranging from light to dark pink are zip codes where women outnumber men. In some cases, the ratios are staggering: There are 176 single women to 100 single men in the zip code that comprises AU Park and Tenleytown, and 168 women to 100 men in the area of Kalorama, Cleveland Park, and Woodley Park. But don't give up hope quite yet — there are a few slivers of blue (meaning more single men than women), primarily in Penn Quarter and around Farragut Square. Hey, the more you know, right?
(Urban Turf)

Photo: Courtesy of Urban Turf/Trulia Trends