15 Super-Specific Dating Sites For Weirdos Like You (And Us)

Everyone wants to find their better half. But for those of us with very specific tastes trying the online dating circuit, landing even a 60% match on OkCupid can be difficult. Don't give up yet! Check out these 15 dating sites tailored for even the most esoteric tastes — there's the chance that even you oddest of birds might just find your freaky soul mate after all.
Named after Cupertino, Calif., home to the Apple headquarters, Cupidtino serves that particular breed of humans who can't stop talking about the latest iPhone 6 rumors or the superiority of iOS over Android. And given how much ardent-PC and -Apple users can hate on each other, perhaps this will prevent some bad, techie first-dates.

Photo: Courtesy of Cupidtino


Find Your Face Mate
You're beautiful, you know it. In fact, there's no one hotter out there than that gorgeous person staring at you in the mirror. Alas, you cannot make out with yourself, but Find Your Face Mate offers the next best thing. Using facial recognition software and a "proprietary algorithm to identify partners more likely to ignite real passion and compatibility," this service hooks you up with singles who look...familiar. (There's actually a good deal of scientific evidence saying that couples in long-term relationships tend to look alike.) Hey — it worked for New York City Council Speaker and mayoral front-runner Christine Quinn!

If your feline roomie is a non-negotiable entity and potential paramours have been turned off by the amount of fur stuck to your couch, then perhaps you best try Purrrsonals, "The Cat Lovers Social Network." Most likely, you won't find an allergic single in the bunch. Who knows? Perhaps your next date will love your tabby and you. Fingers crossed.

Video: Courtesy of Purrsonals
Farmers Only
Before you mock this "farmers only" dating-site, consider that many of these careerists are entrepreneurs scraping a living off the earth in sparsely-populated, remote areas. They contend with long hours, early mornings, and many other pressures that few others can relate to. It's a hard life, but now these sodbusters don't have to live it alone. Now about that video with the talking farm animals... Farmers, what a bunch of goobers, right?

Video: Via YouTube


LARP Passions
"LARPers need love, too!" says the site. Indeed, the Live Action Role Players who recreate medieval villages, Lord of The Rings-style adventures, and so on deserve a chance to enjoy some Game of Thrones hotness. LARP Passions allows users to choose specific options for the "hobbies" section like painting and wine tasting, as well as pole dancing, robotics, and mime. Get ready for armored-stripper-robot-mime sexy times!

Photo: Via Wikipedia

Just because some people don't see even a little bump-and-grind as part of their lives doesn't necessarily mean they're not interested in emotional intimacy. You fine-feathered folks can connect at Asexualitic and talk, hold hands,

Photo: OJO Images/Rex/Rex USA

What? Did you not think vampires had their own dating sites? In fact, Vampersonals, "the No. 1 dating site for vampires & gothic personals," is only one of many services catering to those who prefer to dwell in the shadows. What better place to meet fellow vamps than online, safely tucked away from sunlight, holy water, and leftovers.

Photo: Courtesy of 20th Century Fox

Sea Captain Date
Truth: The Gorton's Fisherman is a scorching silver fox. More truth: with a Sea Captain Date, you can haul in your own bearded, wind-burnt somethin'-somethin' to keep you warm on cold nights. Lest you think this whole site is a fishy tale, Jezebel did a little research and found out that, yes, you can find, "romance on the seven seas." Go get some.

Video: Via YouTube.

The Atlasphere
The dating section on The Atlasphere helps connect Ayn Rand fans with each other. Considering that the Objectivist followers of the novelist have sanctified elitism and selfishness, it's probably a good thing that this site keeps them sequestered from the general dating public. Go find your Howard Roark.

Photo: Courtesy Warner Bros. Pictures
Fitness Singles
Fitness Singles matches up super-active, highly-motivated, physical types. Who needs dinner and a movie when you could share a 10K and an entire liter of Smartwater? RIGHT? Most of us could never keep pace with the singles on this site, but you marathoners? Have at it. Oh, and if you're the type of person who likes to see muscles on top of more muscles, go here.
Photo: Courtesy of Fitness Singles

Twins Realm
Unlike the aforementioned Find Your Face Mate, this site isn't for singles looking for their doppelgangers. No, Twins Realm is for twins looking for other twins. Given that twins often have very different experiences growing up from the rest of the population, this makes sense. Once the site gets over their technical difficulties, expect a rush of newborn twins, triplets, quads, and more. To quote, "higher order multiples welcome!"

Photo: David Muscroft/Rex USA

420 Dating
Full-time, dedicated potheads are a super-relaxed subculture all to their own, with a different pace in life, and likely, a different smell. To wit, the "About Us" section of 420 Dating hasn't even been written yet, but don't harsh on them. They'll get to it. Soon.

Photo: Peter Brooker/Rex USA

Survivalist Singles
As you might expect from a site that pairs doomsday preppers with each other, Survivalist Singles is a bare-bones site. After all, you folks are more into bottled water and MREs than wine and cheese. But that doesn't mean y'all lack romance — what's sweeter than trying to find someone to cuddle with at the end of the world?

Photo: Courtesy of The National Geographic Channel

Ghost Singles
Like Plumberdate, Super Harmony, and scads of other dating sites, Ghost Singles is clearly a joke. Even if they did exist, they wouldn't be able to use keyboards, right? But given that we are a full-service site catering to stylish women of all ages, we figured we should include this to satisfy any of you who've passed on.

Photo: Courtesy of Paramount Pictures
Meet Single Firefighters
If you can't relate to this, then perhaps your standards just can't be met. Sorry to fail you.
Photo: Erik C Pendzich/Rex USA

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