What It Takes To Be Successful Before You Turn 30

“I think it’s great to be young and successful, because you can mess up a little bit and it’s okay.” Sounds like an ideal scenario, huh? And 25-year-old Danielle Brooks, best known for playing the troubled, quick-witted, heart-of-gold Taystee in Orange Is The New Black, knows what she’s talking about. When it comes to success, sticking your neck out, and staying authentic through it all, she and these other majorly impressive twentysomethings are setting a prime example. Danielle, risk-taking feminist artist Petra Collins, and two of R29's very own superstar editors are changing the very idea of what success looks like. Because when you're still at an age when you're regularly asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?," fulfilling your dreams is often about continually challenging yourself to dream even bigger. Come join us and Clinique in celebrating just that with four inspiring outlooks on what it’s like to prove yourself, stay endlessly curious, and live your passion — no matter which generation you belong to. Feeling inspired? Share your plans for achieving successes big and small with #FaceForward.

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