5 Beauty Treatments NOT To Get If You’re On Your Period

Photographed by Alexandra Gavillet.
Scheduling beauty services, like manicures, pedicures, facials, and waxing, has become such a part of our daily lives that we typically don’t think twice about the timing. When they’re needed, it only takes a few clicks to book an appointment and get the job done. But it turns out, there are some treatments that should, perhaps surprisingly, be planned with your menstrual cycle in mind. (Now's the time to download that period-tracker app if you haven't already.)
“Women experience three major hormone cycles during the month: estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, which all affect your skin differently,” explains aesthetician Erica Cerpa, Founder of EC Beauty Studio & Spa in Hoboken, NJ. While we know to steer clear of going for a Brazilian during that time of the month, thanks to your hormones, facials and moisturizing masks are two more services to consider adding to the list if you struggle with breakouts.
Prior to booking treatments, it’s important to first understand your cycle. An average woman’s lasts is 28 days, with day one starting on the first day of your period. From popular spa services to DIY treatments, here’s a timeline according to your cycle that ensures maximum efficacy and minimal sensitivity.


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