Will InStyle’s New Scratch-And-Sniff Issue Save Print?

It's an interesting idea that really captured our attention (and allowances) back in the day, but are scratch-and-sniff gimmicks really worth established fashion magazines' time?
seems to think so. For their July issue, the magazine will feature five spots in the magazine that smell like summer—including popcorn, watermelon, grass, suntan lotion, and iced coffee. With online publications, digital subscriptions, and more non-tactile competitors cramming the market, print needs to find new ways to capitalize on sensory experiences, and this seems like a fun—albeit expensive—way to do it. Though, if it were us and we were creating a quintessential "summer"-scented issue, we might have had to go with chili dogs, crowded subway B.O., "grass," cheap sangria, and rooftop tar fumes. Let us know—would you buy the summer issue (and hypothetically, would you buy our summer issue?). (Fashion Week Daily)

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