Which Of These Congresswomen Were Late To Nancy Pelosi’s Photoshoot?

Thursday was a great day in America, folks — the skies were clear, the Capitol basked in the sun, and, after some swearing in, the Democratic House of Representatives caucus was more ethnically diverse than ever.
But, there was one little problem — when Nancy Pelosi gathered all her party's female representatives for a photo commemorating the moment when the caucus was no longer predominately white men, four Congresswomen were late to the shoot. Whoops. Indeed, Pelosi's office was so keen on representing this shift in American politics, that it went so far as to digitally doctor the photo above to get those four tardy lawmakers in the shot (though, they let everyone know it). Even so, we bet that with just the smallest bit of sleuthing, you'll be able to pick those legislative latecomers. Head on over to The Cut for the answer, and pray that the tardy ones aren't your representatives. And giggle if they are. (The Cut)

Photo: Via Poynter

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