Genius Productivity Hacks From Women Who Get The Struggle

Illustrated by Isabella DiMarzio.
As a working single mom, I know the chaos that ensues when I need to be out of my apartment — in heels, on a bus to New York City — at 7 a.m., after getting my son ready to start his school day. Nearly a decade in, I have a sometimes-needed morning babysitter on call, and I'm a big fan of packing lunches at night — and of pre-selecting outfits so that no one (not even the too-cool-for-school tween boy) is screaming at the closet, “I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR” before the sun comes up.
And I’m not the only one who kisses my kid on the cheek and closes the door behind me while he watches the milk in his bowl of Fruit Loops turn pink. According to the Pew Research Center, 40% of all households with children under the age of 18 include career moms who are either the sole or primary source of income for their families. Us working moms are not oblivious to the fact that we have two jobs: parenthood and our chosen career. Ahead, real-life working moms share tips on how to lean in without toppling over. These are genius productivity hacks anyone can use to make the most of their time, on and off the clock.

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