Gym-To-Work Hair That Looks AMAZING

If you can drag yourself out of bed early enough, an a.m. sweat session is a pitch-perfect way to get your endorphins flowing and your energy up for the rest of the day. But, we'd be lying if we said we never skipped a morning yoga class or run because we needed to look on-point for the day ahead. Who wants to show up to an important meeting or event with post-workout hair? Sure, we could wash and style it at the gym, but lugging all our tools and products from bathroom to locker room is a workout in and of itself. And, a muggy (or crowded) gym isn't the best place to get your perfect 'do.
With this in mind, we asked hair guru Lacy Redway to create a range of styles you can wear on the treadmill and wherever you have to run to after — without having to change a thing. She whipped up something for just about every office environment — from the super-corporate setting to the free-wheeling startup. Each look is easy to create, cool as hell, and stays put long enough to take you from spin to the boardroom. 
Ready to step up your mane game? Check out the styles ahead — they're so good, you may find yourself actually wanting to go to the gym. We know

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