Rad Or Bad: The iPhone Hairbrush

Add this to the list of things you never knew you needed...but still probably don't need. A company has come out with an iPhone cover, called the YoBrush, that doubles as a hairbrush — because that's a natural progression of things, right? The design is pretty basic: a simple case with plastic bristles on the back. It's a rudimentary brush, and I'd put money on the fact that it works. But, there are so many issues with the YoBrush.
First of all, I don't know about your handbag, but there's a lot of crap floating around at the bottom of my purse that I wouldn't necessarily want to come in contact with my hair follicles. Can you imagine sweeping this guy through your strands and having it carry your MetroCard germs, leaky Purell residue, Luna Bar crumbs, and sand from your last trip to the beach along with it? Also, when you do actually use your phone, how painful must those bristles be on your palms?
That said, there is some utility to this thing. While I may spend a ton of time rifling around in my purse for my mini hairbrush when I'm on the go, I always know where my phone is. Combining the two cuts down on that headache. And, no one says you've got to have this as your phone cover 24/7. If you're headed to a formal event where you want a hairbrush handy but have to condense everything you usually carry into one, tiny clutch, this could be super useful.
But, what do you think about the YoBrush? Is it something rad you'd use or too bad to even consider? Let us know in the comments.
YoBrush iPhone Cover, $14.99, available at YoBrush.

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