The question of boundaries also goes beyond what is individually acceptable. The ideal of what a good life looks like has been hollowed out over years of unchecked capitalism, encouraged by the merciless policies of soulless governments. Just as we’ve been coerced into seeing housing as a luxury, education as a luxury, free healthcare as a luxury, we’ve been tricked into thinking that we should sacrifice ourselves for our jobs when, really, we deserve to live full lives in which work is just one factor, not the thing we focus on until we’re
burned out. This obsession with hard work in all conditions is based on a hyper Protestant work ethic coupled with rampant capitalist ideals that serve no one but the people at the top. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Collectively we, the workers, have power and as we’ve seen with the recent strikes — both overseas and at home — we’re stronger when we come together to demand better pay and conditions. When we define for ourselves what our boundaries are.