All Your Most Burning I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! Questions Are Answered Here

Image courtesy of Channel 10
From The Masked Singer to Australian Survivor and Big Brother, there are many reality TV shows these days where you see celebrities rather than regular people. But nothing's quite like I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!, where a lineup of famous faces are put to the test when they enter the jungle.
With limited possessions and no communication with the outside world, these celebs are challenged to face difficult situations. Whether it's touching creepy crawlies while blindfolded, jumping out of a plane, or speaking about their innermost feelings during campfire chats, the star-studded cast comes up against the unexpected throughout the season.
But while viewers are the ultimate flies on the wall as they watch the action unfold, there are still some questions that go unanswered about behind-the-scenes details. We've rounded up the most frequently asked questions about I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! and asked the show's Season 9 Co-Executive Producer, Josie Steele, to answer them.

Are the I'm A Celeb challenges tested beforehand?

We have an AMAZING trials team that tests everything multiple times to make sure it's completely safe for our celebs. Every activity the celebrities do has been done by members of our crew first, including all of the eating trials. 

What personal items are the celebrities allowed to bring?

Except for special situations like Kerri-Anne Kennerley's makeup, celebs can only bring underwear (up to six pairs) and swimwear into the jungle with them — and that's it! We provide (or don't provide) everything else.
We also allow one luxury item per person, and those come into camp after about a week. The luxury items can be pretty much anything the celebs want, such as games, pool toys, eye masks, or pillows. This year we even had a stock whip and an umbilical cord necklace. 

How do I'm A Celeb contestants get access access medication?  

Any medication the celebs need is given to them via the Tok Tokkie, under full supervision of our incredible medical team. 

Where is I'm A Celeb filmed?

Right near Kruger National Park in South Africa.

When are the celebrities filmed?

They are filmed 24/7, except when they're in the toilet. 

What are the celebrities allowed to eat?

Celebs get rations of rice, beans and oats every day. Any other food is won in trials. Meals won through trials usually consist of a protein, a few kinds of vegetables, and some fruit. We try to make the food local wherever possible, so there are some interesting things the celebs have never eaten before, like ostrich egg, crocodile tail and zebra fillet.

What do celebrities do when challenges aren't happening?

Boredom can be a real struggle for lots of celebs, but even when there's nothing to do, there's always something to do. Lots of chatting, lots of made-up games, lots of lying around and making each other laugh. They can also take trips to the waterfall to swim and cool off, or work out in the jungle gym. 

Where do celebrities go once they're eliminated?

It's up to the celeb. We shoot I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! in one of the most beautiful places in the world, and some celebs decide to stay on and do some exploring or go on a safari. But lots of people also choose to go straight home, and they can usually fly out the day after they exit the jungle. Towards the end of the season, we might also ask eliminated celebs if they'd like to stay on for the finale episode.

Where do hosts Julia Morris and Dr Chris Brown stay during filming?

The hosts stay very close to where we shoot, because they're on set for a huge number of hours every day, filming the live show and the trials. If Chris or Julia were to yodel from their accommodation, the celebs would almost definitely hear them in camp. 

What mental health services are provided to contestants?

The celebs' mental health is super important to us. We have a psychologist on site full time, and it's their job to keep an eye on the celebs' mental well-being and be available if they need to talk at any time. We also have a crew in the control room who are always keeping an eye out and making sure all celebs are well-supported.

How many celebs in the show's history have said 'I'm a celebrity... get me out of here! and decided to leave?

With Kerri-Anne Kennerley [from this season], we've now had five people say the fateful words and leave the show. Bernard Tomic, Anthony Mundine, Mel Buttle, Beau Ryan and Kerri-Anne Kennerley. We remain forever grateful they had the guts to the give the jungle a go, and there’s an open invitation to all of them if they’d ever like to have another crack.
I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! airs Sunday to Thursday at 7:30pm on Channel 10 and 10 Play.
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