We Reviewed Hint, A New Astrology App That Delivers Star-Powered, Personalised Insights

Photographed by Meg O'Donnell.
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Calling all star signs, from the astro-curious to the straight-up celestially obsessed. A new phone app has crash-landed into this universe, and Hint is here to break down what’s written in the stars. Utilising real space data from NASA, your birth information, and personalised advice from actual astrologers, it offers up a guiding light through life’s journeys. Whether you’re a novice or well-versed in this spiritual practice, you can learn a little something from the intentional and insightful approach that Hint delivers. If you’re already sold, click here to download the app. Need more info? Read on for reviews from some of R29's most astrology-obsessed staffers.
The app is split into four main sections: Horoscope, Compatibility, You, and Guidance. In the horoscope section, Hint provides you with a message for today, tomorrow, the week, and the month ahead. In Compatibility, you can see how the different people in your life (both romantic and platonic) fit with you by adding in their birth info. In the You section, your big three signs (sun, moon, and rising) are broken down, and info is also provided for other important planetary placements. When you want to get down to the nitty-gritty, check out the guidance tab. Here, a real-life astrologer is assigned to you. You can message back and forth and get answers to specific personal questions. If you're dying to get a taste of what Hint is all about, all users get a 7-day free trial to really test out the app's out-of-this-world offerings.
I obviously had to check out Hint for myself, and I got three of my star-powered coworkers to join in. Scroll on to read just what we think about Hint (and to admire our cute selfies wearing our sun sign necklaces)!

Chichi Offor, Associate Writer, Aries

Have you used other Astrology apps? Do you find Astrology Apps helpful?
Yes, I've used Co–star and Pattern. I initially downloaded astrology apps because all of my friends were getting into it. Everyone would ask me what my chart was, and I didn't really know what any of my placements were besides my big three (sun, moon, rising). I figured it'd be helpful when socializing to have them. It became pretty fun to partake in overtime, and I identified with a lot of the various insights.

What did you think of the insights and advice provided on Hint? Does it seem true to you?

I thought the advice I received on Hint was pretty true to me. There were some statements provided that were kind of broad, but I think those serve as good general reminders to think about how you show up in your life. I like the feature where they connect you with your own personal astrologer. It felt nice to have a chance for more custom, tailored information. My astrologer Tarryn talked to me about my romantic life, which was fun.

How would you describe the user experience?

Everything was designed and laid out clearly in an aesthetically pleasing way. It was easy to navigate between the different sections of the Hint app. I think it's beginner-friendly too. The explanations of what different terms and phrases mean are broken down in an easily digestible way.

What else did you like about the app? Was there anything you disliked?

I like how simple and easy it is to understand my core chart placements with the app. The chat with an astrologer function was neat. It was very helpful for more personal, specific questions your horoscope might not get into. I also really liked the friendship and romantic compatibility portion. The information describing a very close friend of mine and our relationship was very accurate. I think it'd be cool for there to be a section of the app dedicated to how exactly Hint is using the Nasa data. I would have loved it if there was one specific screen with your whole chart on it like Co–star has.

Would you recommend this app?

I'd definitely recommend Hint. In particular, the compatibility portion of the app is very helpful. It's the only astrology app I've tried where you can message your own real-life, assigned astrologer.

Mercedes Viera, Associate Deals Writer, Aquarius

Have you used other Astrology apps? Do you find Astrology Apps helpful?
Yes! I’ve used Co–Star, TimePassages, and Sanctuary. I don’t check it every day for my daily horoscopes, but I do whenever I need a deeper insight about my chart. They’re very helpful if I need clarity on something about myself, like my love life, I'll check what sign my Venus is in, etc.

What did you think of the insights and advice provided on Hint? Does it seem true to you?
The compatibility was especially fun to play around with! While it was a little frustrating to have to insert the birth time and place to add a friend, it ended up being oh so worth it! I would say 75% of it was very accurate, while there were some other notes that weren’t quite as accurate. Or they were, but they phrased some opposite qualities as cons, when, in the right context, they’d be helpful for others to grow and expand their horizons.

How would you describe the user experience?
It was pretty straight-forward. I think the guidance chat was a little confusing at first because I truly did not know how to answer. It’s cool that they pair you with a professional astrologer, but it would have been better to have some optional questions at first, just so the user knew what was okay to ask and what wasn’t. I asked how my Venus and moon sign interacted, and the feedback I received was pretty good! I think it’s really cool to have an on-hand astrologer for whenever you think of a random astrology or chart-related question.

What else did you like about the app? Was there anything you disliked?
I do wish there was more insight about exactly NASA data comes in, I didn’t notice anything too specific about it!

Would you recommend this app?
Yes! For sure, if only just for the compatibility!

Karina Hoshikawa, Beauty Writer, Virgo

Have you used other Astrology apps? Do you find Astrology Apps helpful?
Yes! I’m a big fan of astro apps and meme accounts and get dragged by my Co–Star notifications on a near-daily basis. I don’t read my horoscope every day, but I do like peeking at it here and there for some insight. I’m a Virgo to the core, so they’re typically pretty on point for me!
What did you think of the insights and advice provided on Hint? Does it seem true to you?
Like I said, I’m basically a walking stereotype of perfectionist Virgo. The daily horoscopes were sometimes esoteric for my taste but were good for a moment of pause and introspection. Things like that are what I like to take from astrology. I don’t let it rule my life in any major way but like that, it can be a good thought-starter for my mood that day.

How would you describe the user experience?
I like that it’s simple and gives you your daily and weekly horoscope front and centre. Where it shows your birth chart, I like that the app walks you through each section to explain it in clear terms. Explaining terms like sun, moon, and rising signs are super helpful for newbies getting into astro.

What else did you like about the app? Was there anything you disliked?
My favourite part of the Hint app was actually the compatibility section — when it comes to romantic relationships, I actually find it fascinating to learn about potential partners’ signs. I’m in a long-term relationship with my live-in boyfriend, a Gemini. Compared to Virgos, Gems can be a little chaotic (in a good way!). Hint offers a comprehensive breakdown of our overall compatibility and breaks the info down into sections like “emotional styles” and “love and attraction.” These were actually scary on point, and I was living for it TBH.

Bree Grant, E-Commerce Editor, Cancer

Have you used other Astrology apps? Do you find Astrology Apps helpful? Yep! Co-Star likes to humble me daily. I've also dabbled in The Pattern, and I live for Pedestrian TV's Astrology memes on Instagram. I usually turn to horoscopes when I feel like I need some clarity on something — and because I'm a Cancer, that's usually often.
What did you think of the insights and advice provided on Hint? Does it seem true to you?
I love the 'You' section, where it delves into the core aspects of your sun, moon and rising signs. It was cool (and kind of freaky) to see how accurate it was about personality and how the planetary placements affected me.
How would you describe the user experience?
It's pretty straightforward and simple to use, even if you're someone who isn't already obsessed with astrology. The app also walks you through all the different sections and has little explainers so you can get the most out of each component.
What else did you like about the app? Was there anything you disliked? My favourite part about the Hint app was being able to chat to a personal astrologer. I was paired with the lovely Vladana, who gave me a personal reading and shared some more insights into my birth chart. Like Chichi, I would have loved it if there was one specific screen with your whole chart like Co–star has.
Would you recommend this app?
Yes! For sure, even if you only play with it for the trial period. Like me, you'll probably get hooked.
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