The New Moon In Cancer Wants You To Get Sentimental

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The first new moon of winter is here and on 6th July 9:57 a.m. AEDT, the new moon in Cancer wants us to get sentimental. Although it sounds easy in theory, Cancer is a zodiac sign that takes time to embrace novel ideas, experiences and relationships. Once the crab does, they’ll reveal a bright, hot heart full of love, loyalty and creativity. Cancers do things in their own time so be patient during this lunation because it could take a minute to see our lives evolve for the better — but they certainly will.
New moons initiate the lunar cycle every month. The sun and moon align in the sky, making the moon invisible to the naked eye. We call this the dark moon. Being that the new (and dark) moon is the first of the lunar phases, it’s a moment when we can set intentions and share our dreams for the weeks ahead. If you want to set forth on a new chapter in life or jump-start an endeavour, the new moon would be the time to do so. Manifesting can lead to big payoffs when set during the new moon.
Since the new moon is in the sign of Cancer, which is ruled by the moon, this lunation is a moment in which our emotions, intuition and sense of self will force us to make decisions based on what our gut feelings tell us. Finding and igniting a connection to ourselves on a deep level will allow us to evolve, grow and transcend effervescently with the new moon. This is a moment in which we’ll find what energy and desire resides in our hearts. Doing what makes us truly happy, for the first time in a while, will make us feel as though we can amplify our passions, moving towards our wishes and objectives. 
With Cancer being a nostalgic sign, we might want to look back at childhood activities that brought us joy. What dreams stick out from our youth? What did we want to pursue? Who did we want to be? Thinking and reflecting upon these quandaries could lead us to understand what we want to change and add to our lives. Not only that, but it’ll give us the chance to heal our past. The presence of the centaur Chiron (who’s known as the wounded healer), as well as the asteroids Juno (the protector of the home, among other things), Ceres (the asteroid of unconditional love) and Pallas (who brings wisdom), will help us love and appreciate our shadow self and inner child, allowing us to stop the ongoing cycle of familial trauma or at least see the patterns as they are happening. 
Action planet Mars in Taurus and Saturn retrograde in Pisces both aspect the new moon, pushing us towards excellence at our own pace. Mars in Taurus doesn’t move as swiftly as other signs but there is a calmness in not taking impulsive steps to keep things moving. Saturn’s backward spin allows us to boss up and evaluate the decisions we are forced to make from the square the new moon is undergoing from the fraught aspect it shares with the Nodes of Destiny. 
The fixed stars Sirius and Canopus connect with the new moon. Sirius wants us to shake up our lives by getting out of our comfort zones. Letting go of our fears and old ways of thinking will allow us to see all the possibilities that lie ahead. Canopus brings fame but not without emotional baggage and tests. We may not like the effects our choices have on those we love, which can lead to us looking for a new path during the new moon. 
Even though we are making moves and taking action, we aren’t doing so in a frenzy. We are focusing on what is right for us and homing in on how we can make it possible. Everything that is worthwhile in life doesn’t happen overnight. Planting seeds now will lead to massive changes and success in the future. Don’t rush the process. 
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