The new moon in Pisces occurs on March 10 at 8p.m. AEDT. This marks the beginning of the current month’s lunar cycle, the last new moon of Pisces season, and the astrological year, which begins on March 19 with the onset of spring in the northern hemisphere. It is a pivotal time because the eclipse season begins a week later, making this lunation a prime time to manifest.
Take note: This lunation is a supermoon meaning that the moon is in closer proximity to the earth. The worm moon will be the brightest and biggest supermoon of 2024. We will be feeling the full effects of the upcoming astronomical event to the maximum. The next major lunar events are the lunar eclipse on March 25 and the solar eclipse on April 8.
The Pisces new moon is a time of dreaminess, imagination, fluidity, mystery, and beauty. This moon symbolises a mystical and spiritual journey where we can explore our unconscious desires. As the sun and moon unite in the mutable water sign, it can trigger an emotional response and make us feel more sensitive to the emotions of others. Pisces is a compassionate sign that enables us to read the energy of a room, others, and ourselves clearly, allowing us to check our emotions and those of others with empathy. We will want to dive to the deep end of the ocean, go down the rabbit hole, and get lost in the clouds. Being in the rapture might have a dizzying effect on us, but it’ll be exciting.
While it’s true the sign of Pisces has an extreme emotional depth, it’s important to note that we’re all likely to experience these heightened emotions. Wild card Uranus will be in a harmonious aspect with the moon, leading to erratic energy and a rollercoaster of emotions throughout the day. The planet Uranus has a tendency to stir things up and introduce a spark of passion to situations, which may result in unforeseeable circumstances. To maintain some sense of consistency, it’s vital for us to connect with nature, art, music, and the earth to ground our energy.
The good news is the new moon’s connection to Uranus in Taurus will allow us to shed our old habits and bring healthier routines to replace the old ones. We may be pushed outside our comfort zone. However, breaking free from the past and igniting a new sense of purpose, identity, and goals will help us feel as though we are moving forward on the right path, and in essence, we can liberate ourselves from the past and embrace our autonomy at the same time. Like Dory says in Finding Nemo, “Just keep swimming.”
With Black Moon Lilith in Virgo and the asteroid Vesta, who is in Gemini, creating a fraught energy with the new moon, we’ll get the push we need to move forward. Black Moon Lilith is urging us to be free and break through all of the constructs that are holding us back, since it represents our wildness and instincts that transcend modern society. We are becoming a radical version of ourselves, which is allowing us to be our own person. We’ll act upon what feels right and not conform to others or the mainstream. Vesta’s presence is urging us to start an emotional journey, making it a moment in which we are coming to a spiritual awakening. This is a time when we will be overcoming situations and becoming aligned with our truest selves.
During the new moon in Pisces, emotional confusion will be at its peak, and it will be hard to understand situations and people. Later in the day, Mercury, in Aries, will link up with Pluto in Aquarius, adding to our desire to decode and find the truth. Unfortunately, the ambiguity caused by the new moon will make it hard to cut to the truth. The day after the new moon, Venus enters Pisces, intensifying our romantic feelings and desire to connect with others. As Venus will be at a very late degree on March 10, we may feel an urgency to make decisions about our relationships. However, it’s important to think with our hearts before rushing into anything and listen to our intuition before making any decisions.
The new moon will jump-start the future we want. Even if we are envisioning our wildest dreams as reality, we can make them happen if we believe. We have to move to what inspires us and imagine what we want in the future. The new moon is allowing us to quiet our minds and lead with our hearts to what we desire and want most in life. Then, our dreams can and will come true.
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