Your Horoscope This Week: June 23 To 29

This final week of June encourages all zodiac signs to prepare for Saturn’s retrograde in Pisces which begins on the 29th. Saturn is the Planet of Challenge and Responsibility, and when it shifts retrograde we may find ourselves having to face repeated lessons from our past in ways that initially brings up discomfort or unease. Saturn retrograde is also a period of assessing what our current values are, and ensuring that our actions are in alignment with who we say we want to be and what we say we want to achieve. 
Our mission this week is to get curious about what these past lessons have to teach us. Since Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, is also retrograde (but in the sign of Aquarius, which is partly ruled by Saturn), you’ll be able to tap into your subconscious thoughts and behavioural patterns, and better assess which of these thoughts and patterns help you and others, and which ones are more harmful or destructive. With Mars remaining in Taurus until July 20, we’re advised to pace ourselves as we consciously decide how, when, and why we want to change. 
Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, Saturn’s retrograde through Pisces begins at the end of this week, and you’ll be in more of a seclusive mood as a result of this change in cosmic tides. Your sector of spirituality, healing, and closure is activated by Saturn in Pisces, which means you may need to think back to some of your most vulnerable moments this year and tend to them with a spirit of great care, compassion, and patience. There’s no need to rush through the healing process — it comes in waves. 
Speaking of waves, with Mercury and Venus both settled in the water sign of Cancer for the next few weeks and squaring off (creating astrological friction) with your Aries nature, you may feel moodier and more contemplative during this final full week of June, especially since your ruler Mars remains in Taurus for a little under one month. This week is more about being curious about your shifting feelings and desires rather than doing anything impulsive or brand new. 

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, with your ruler Venus now in Cancer for the next four weeks, and Saturn preparing to shift retrograde in Pisces at the end of the week, you’re feeling especially raw, tender, and sensitive. Mars’ presence in your sign is highlighting your most pressing needs, but the energy of retrograde season could make you wary of immediately going after them. Find a balance between trusting the process and asserting your will in the direction that you feel most passionate about. 
On the 29th, Saturn, the Planet of Responsibility, begins its four-month retrograde through Pisces, and this activates your sector of friendship and social networks. You may find yourself wanting to embark on a digital detox around this time, or you may decide to mute or unfollow accounts on social media that aren’t a vibrational match with you. With Uranus, the Planet of Change and Surprise, currently in your sign for another two years, you’re acting in a way that throws people off — but Saturn retrograde reminds you of the fact that you’re not here to please others or accommodate their levels of comfort. You’re here to be unapologetically yourself. So if that means distancing yourself from those who limit your self-expression, so be it. 

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, now that your ruler Mercury is in Cancer for the next three weeks, your mind shifts to your emotional and financial security. Perhaps you weren’t as invested in tracking every expense during Mercury’s previous transit through your sign, as you were in more of an adventurous and carefree mood. But now that the Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all in your sector of money, you’re re evaluating your priorities, particularly when it comes to ways you can secure your family’s well-being in a sustainable way. 
With Saturn preparing to shift retrograde in Pisces on the 29th, it’s likely that you’ll be reconsidering where you direct your professional and vocational energy and resources. You may find it more challenging to stay focused at work this week, because you’re imagining different ways you’d prefer to be using your intelligence, and you may feel quite bored of your current options. While this isn’t the week to make drastic decisions regarding what new endeavors to embark on, it’s an ideal time to be honest with yourself about the projects or jobs you’re ready to peacefully release. 

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, as the week begins you’re still coming down from the high of last week’s Capricorn full moon which activated your sector of partnership and marriage. Some Cancers may have dealt with a breakup, a makeup, or had a significant wake up call in their intimate connections regarding what their non-negotiable are. You’re being asked to prioritise what your instincts are telling you and not make excuses for other people’s repeated behaviour if it’s not sitting right with you. But at the same time, it’s essential to ensure you’re not in denial of your own shadows — let the light of the recent solstice enlighten you to yourself. 
Now that the sun, Mercury, and Venus are all currently in your sign for several weeks, you’re noticing more glances and smiles coming your way, but you’re also paying attention to the shade and subtle (or obvious) hater energy that may also be emerging from people in your orbit, or those who wish they were in your orbit. Tap into Saturn’s retrograde in Pisces which begins on the 29th and be clear with yourself about ways you’d benefit from setting healthy and clear boundaries to ensure your energy isn’t manipulated or taken advantage of. 

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, with the sun, your cosmic ruler, now in Cancer for the next four weeks, you’re in your annual hibernation period. Cancer Season activates your sector of spirituality, healing, and solitude, so although you tend to be a social butterfly, this week you may feel like more of a hermit, and that’s perfectly okay. Allow yourself to rest without guilt. Lean into the softness of simply being, without worrying about achieving or performing. Mars’ presence in Taurus highlights the importance of pacing yourself as you prepare to emerge from your chrysalis period. While the slower pace may initially feel uncomfortable, you’ll soon see why it was essential for your health and overall wellbeing. 
The week ends with Saturn, the Planet of Challenge, beginning its retrograde in Pisces on the 29th, in your sector of depth, merging, and intimacy. This retrograde will feel like a psychological excavation of some of the deepest wounds from your past — especially the ones you’ve consciously or unconsciously been running away from. Saturn retrograde will help you reevaluate your priorities, your collaborations, your values, and how you tend to spend or share your resources. Use this retrograde to tap more into the vibration of what your current mergers make you feel. Are they uplifting, draining, or a combination or both? 

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, now that there’s a stellium of planets in Cancer harmonising with your Virgo nature, you’re leaning toward the soft life, and it looks good on you! Your mission this week is to prioritise pleasure, especially with Mars still in Taurus for the next three weeks. You’ve been ultra focused on productivity, but having your ruler Mercury in Cancer serves as a reminder that your closest friends appreciate you most not for the value you provide, but for the level of presence you’re able to offer. Make it your mission to view presence with yourself, others, and with the world as the ultimate gift. 
Once Saturn shifts retrograde in Pisces on the 29th, your sector of marriage and intimacy comes into focus for the next four months, and you may become preoccupied with rehashing matters from the past that made you feel uncomfortable or misunderstood. The key is to not overly intellectualise these issues, but to use this retrograde to do the inner work necessary to address them and also transmute them so that they don’t monopolise your attention. Remember that healing in relationships is a two-way street, so don’t take it upon yourself to be everyone’s therapist. Let them do their own work while you focus on doing your own. 

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, with your planetary ruler Venus now settled in Cancer for several weeks (along with the Sun and Mercury), you may be feeling the ick when it comes to how sensitive and passive-aggressive people are being — including your own self. Cancer transits tend to square off (create astrological friction) with your own nature, but instead of trying to bypass these cosmic lessons, you’re encouraged to lean into them with the spirit of curiosity. 
Saturn retrograde begins in Pisces on the 29th, and this activates your sector of wellness, routine, and service for the next four months. You may notice yourself having less motivation when it comes to your workout routine or clean eating regimen, but you shouldn’t use this retrograde as an excuse to get out of healthy habits, but rather to restructure them in a way that makes them more accessible and less stressful. Incorporating simple changes such as walking or biking to work, going to bed one hour earlier, or drinking more water can make a world of difference during this retrograde cycle. 

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, now that it’s Cancer Season, you’re experiencing a calmer nervous system, and from this more mellow space you’re better able to discern what your body and emotions have been trying to show you. With your sector of expansion, media, and long journeys most activated by all the Cancer energy in the cosmos, a part of you may feel a strong urge to travel this week, or at least to book or plan a trip sometime soon. This is accentuated by Jupiter’s current presence in Gemini — you’re being drawn to step out of your usual routine and experience the world from a fresh set of eyes. 
But at the same time, with Saturn beginning its retrograde through Pisces this Saturday in your sector of fate, true love, and creativity, you may not feel as energetic as the month comes to an end — a part of you may be reflecting back on past relationships that didn’t turn out the way you’d hoped, leaving you feeling regret, or even resentment. The same applies to creative endeavors that may have hit roadblocks and caused deep feelings of frustration. The key is to get curious about what these feelings are showing you. Retrogrades are ideal opportunities for starting over with a wiser perspective. Consider this your opportunity to do so. 

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, this week is dominated by Cancer energy, and this may initially feel too much to handle, especially since it activates your sector of depth, merging, and outside resources. You’ll feel more sensitive to other people’s needs and demands, and your sensitivity could actually feel irritating to you because it’s not something you can easily brush aside — the cosmos is asking you to view vulnerability as your superpower rather than as a weakness or burden. So if you’re offered the opportunity to reveal yourself more genuinely to someone who may only be used to your sunnier or more upbeat persona, take this as an invitation to deepen your most essential bonds by allowing yourself to be fully seen, shadows and all. 
Saturn’s retrograde in Pisces begins this Saturday, further highlighting your newfound sensitivity. It occurs in your sector of roots and the home, so you may get struck by waves of profound nostalgia as you reflect on what home and family really mean to you. If there’s unfinished business or enigmatic family matters that you want to get to the bottom of, this would be the time to slowly but surely unearth them, and face whatever’s been nagging at you or has left you feeling uncertain. This week’s therefore about finding a balance between your desire for spiritual transformation and your need to feel grounded right where you are. 

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, your planetary ruler Saturn is preparing to shift retrograde in Pisces on the 29th, and you’ll be feeling the pre-shadow effects tremendously in the days before, which could lead to you feeling more introspective and reserved than usual. At the same time, since the Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all currently in Cancer in your sector of marriage and partnership, you won’t be able to completely escape people’s grasp — they’ll feel magnetically drawn to you, particularly since the energy of last week’s Capricorn full moon is still being potently felt in the cosmos. 
As June comes to an end, your body is calling for more rest and reflection, especially as we navigate Saturn’s four-month retrograde in your sector of communication and creativity. By consciously slowing down, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to better hear your inner voice, and through that awareness you become more intuitively fortified as we flow through the second half of the year. 

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, this first full week of Cancer Season is activating your sector of health, wellness, and service, and this increases your sensitivity to what your body needs physically and psychologically to feel healthy and strong. It can be as simple as adding more natural herbs such as garlic to your diet, or as intense as completely cutting out processed foods so that you can undergo a significant detox. The key is to be present with yourself enough to heed the signs and follow their lead rather than waiting for the cosmos to send you a major wake up call that forces you to take on healthier habits. 
Once your planetary ruler Saturn begins its retrograde through Pisces on the 29th, you may experience a confidence dip when it comes to your money management skills. Try not to get caught up in worries or fears regarding your finances, Aquarius. Instead, take time to process which areas you need to improve, and call in the support needed to navigate any challenges or uncertainties you may be feeling regarding your financial future. While retrograde season may give you the impression that your budget is tight, soon you’ll find creative solutions to your perceived limitations. 

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, it’s an epic week for you, as Saturn, the Planet of Responsibility, begins its four-month retrograde through your sign on the 29th. You’ll be tapping into this energy as soon as the week begins, and when combined with all the Cancer transits currently dominating the skies, you’re likely to feel much more sensitive and telepathic than usual. People won’t be able to hide their true feelings or motives from you this week — you’ll sense them from miles away. 
This week’s retrograde is activating your sector of self, which means you may go through a major or minor identity crisis of sorts this weekend, where you suddenly reevaluate everything you thought you knew about yourself and your current life path. This sudden period of questioning is accentuated by Pluto’s ongoing retrograde in Aquarius, in your sector of spirituality and closure. The best thing you can do as June comes to an end is allow yourself to feel all your feels as profoundly and vulnerably as you can. Honour the depth of your sensitivity.
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