Your Virgo Horoscope For 2019 Is Here

Illustrated by Abbie Winters.
Are you ready to get comfortable, Virgo? Jupiter will inhabit your fourth house of home and family for almost all of 2019. But the planet of luck and expansion won't be alone in making this an advantageous year for your home life — your planet of pleasure, Saturn, is entering your fifth house of entertainment and love, ensuring that 2019 heralds harmony in your living space. How's that for domestic mojo?
Venus, your personal planet of finances, is moving at full speed throughout 2019, without a retrograde in sight. Her direct motion aside, Venus' activity may make it harder for you to keep your attention on one subject when thinking about your spending and saving. At the end of the year, on December 27th, Jupiter will join Saturn in your fifth house of love and pleasure.
Mercury, the planetary ruler of your sign and your career zone, goes retrograde three times this year. Mark your calendar for the following periods: March 5 to 28, July 7 to 31, and October 31 to November 20. Retrogrades are a time to slow down, review, and revise your work. In other words, you might not feel like you're making any real progress during these periods. That said, they will be a fantastic opportunities to reach out to old friends and coworkers. You can also return to any missed opportunities and create checklists to improve your productivity.
The solar eclipse that will occur on January 5 or 6 (depending on where you live) in Capricorn may bring a drastic change to your love life. Choose your words carefully on January 13, June 16, and September 2. Lucky Jupiter squares against dreamy Neptune in emotional Pisces. You could fall under the false impression that every thought you have about your partner is true, but you’d be wrong. Avoid hurting anyone’s feelings by letting your significant other and friends speak for themselves and even make their own mistakes.

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