The Jonas Brothers' New "Cool" Music Video Has A Sneaky Game Of Thrones Joke

Photo: Peggy Sirota.
The Jonas Brothers' return is continuing at a satisfying clip, with the reunited 2000s boy-band releasing their second single since they decided to give their joint venture another go. "Cool" follows the music video and single "Sucker," which featured all three of the self-described "J-Sisters": Danielle Jonas, Priyanka Chopra, and Sophie Turner. While the women don't appear in "Cool" music video in the same way, the lyrics for the song do mention what I assume is a huge part of Joe Jonas and Turner's relationship — Game Of Thrones.
I've often wondered just how many of the Jonas Brothers know how Game Of Thrones ends, especially since the final season of the HBO show is just around the corner. While "Cool" doesn't give us any clues in that regard, it does prove that Joe is just as much of a GoT fan as he should be for someone engaged to THE Sansa Stark.
"Oh, I feel like Post Malone when I get home," Joe sings in the second verse of the new song. "Sittin' there, winning like it's Game of Thrones / And now that we've made it, how complicated was last year?"
This is probably the best way to describe what it feels like to be engaged to Turner. Who needs Iron Throne when you have something better: access to Turner's sausage Instagram account?
While it would be nice if Joe could have added a few spoilers about the eighth season into his verse, Turner explained on Good Morning America earlier this week that while Joe does know how the show ends, his lips are (legally) sealed.
"Well, actually, he was on set for most of it, so he kind of figured it out and then he had to sign an NDA," she said, explaining that the musician is terrible at keeping secrets.
He is, however, good at dancing in the sun wearing a tux — which, thankfully, is mostly what "Cool" is about.

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