A Starbucks Cup, 2 Water Bottles & Dany's Style — All The Things That GoT Got Wrong In The End

Photo: Courtesy of HBO.
Fact: Game of Thrones fans are not happy. Aside from the petition demanding a rewrite (of which, Sophie Turner's not too thrilled), Twitter is blowing up with GoT-related grievances. Shit first hit the fan when viewers noticed a not-so-sly Starbucks cup. Oops. Then there were the water bottles spotted at the feet of Westeros's most highly ranked lords and ladies. Oops. But if there's one pitfall that we (and a few devoted fans on Twitter) are most disappointed with this season, it'd have to be the demise of Dany's once-epic style.
Costumes have always played a major role in GoT, with designer, Michele Clapton, winning acclaim for Dany's Grecian looks. But while the new Queen in the North got a finale dress for the history books, the Mother of Dragons's last look wasn't exactly on par with her high standards. Ending her reign wearing nothing but a leather dress and black turtleneck, it's hard not to be disappointed by the way she went out.
Throughout season 8, we saw the formidable Daenerys Targaryen lose a lot. Two dragons, her best friend, the Iron Throne, and ultimately, her life. But we never thought she'd falter on her fashion sense. She did, after all, make cut-out dresses and going out tops cool again.
But why the sartorial fall from grace? According to some of Twitter's most curious GoT fans, it wasn't just her life that Jon Snow took from her — he took down her style, too.
@Maddaenerys says that "[Dany's] sense of fashion downgraded when she was with [Jon] anyway, she's much better alone. Don't @ me." A little too late, girl, but we like the sentiment. Similarly, @mirademar calls out the show for trading in Dany's classic Targaryen dresses in favour of boring, white Northern clothing. Some users are going as far as to say that the entire show's been on a nosedive since mid-way through its fifth season (case in point: those Starbucks cups). Either way, there's no denying that the old Dany wouldn't have been caught dead (literally) in a plain black leather dress if she had anything to say about it.
Scroll on to see what exactly the Twitterverse has to say about the downward spiral that was Game of Thrones (Dany's style included).

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