Lucifer Is Really Ending With Season 5, So Here's What We Know

Photo: Courtesy of Netflix.
Warning: Spoilers for Lucifer season 4 are ahead.
In May 2018, much to the dismay of fans everywhere, Fox cancelled its devil drama Lucifer after three seasons. While the ratings had never been overly robust, the fandom led a vocal charge to get Netflix to pick up the series, which it did a month later. The fourth season dropped a year almost to the day of when the show was initially cancelled.
Fans rejoiced, gobbled up the new season, and then in June 2019, Netflix announced some good news: the Lucifer season 5 premiere on Netflix was on its way.
But there was a catch. Season 5 will be the last for Lucifer. According to Deadline, when Netflix announced the fifth season renewal, the streaming giant said in a statement, "We're thrilled that Lucifer fans around the world have embraced this series on Netflix, and we can't wait to give them the big finish they've all been waiting for."
Is Lucifer Really Ending This Time?
Per the showrunner and Netflix, this is really it. Ildy Modrovich finally responded to fans (and their petition for season 6), by suggesting that it really is time to say goodbye:
But some of the actors are still stirring up hope among fans, including Lauren German, who plays Chloe. On June 13, she responded to anxious fans by telling them if they wanted a sixth season, they'd need to let their voices be heard. It was a few days before Modrovich's message, but it seems not everyone's ready to say goodbye:
When Will Lucifer Season 5 Premiere?
A date has not been set, but Netflix tends to stick to a yearly release cycle, so we can probably expect the final season to drop in spring or summer 2020.
How Many Episodes Are In Lucifer Season 5?
The final season of Lucifer will be 10 episodes, just like the fourth season was. Shorter seasons are par for the course on streaming services, despite the fact that seasons two and three of Lucifer on Fox ran 18 and 26 episodes, respectively (the first season was only 13 episodes because it was a midseason launch).
Who's Back For Lucifer Season 5?
Until we hear differently, it's safe to assume all original main players will be back: Lucifer (Tom Ellis), Chloe (Lauren German), Daniel (Kevin Alejandro), Amenadiel (D.B. Woodside), Mazikeen (Lesley-Ann Brandt) and Linda (Rachael Harris).
It'd also be hard to finish out season 5 without Ella (Aimee Garcia) and Eve (Inbar Lavi), both of whom were featured prominently in season 4.
What Is Lucifer Season 5 About?
At the end of season 4, Lucifer was trying to help keep Hell from spilling out all over Los Angeles. At the end of the episode, Lucifer returned to Hell to contain the demons that had escaped, having to say goodbye to Chloe in the process — and just after the two of them had finally declared their love for each other. Meanwhile, Amenadiel decided to raise his son on Earth with Linda, and Eva left after realizing that she and Lucifer were not going to be together and she needs to take some time to figure out who she really is. Season 5 will probably pick up with Lucifer in Hell, trying to figure out a way to return to Earth — because he can't leave Hell without a ruler.
Clues About Lucifer Season 5
So far there isn't much out there, but we would say it's a safe bet that Eve will be back, despite having left the group at the end of season 4. She has supposedly seen the error of her evil ways and is off to figure out who she really is/wants to be, so look for her to perhaps return a changed woman in season five, which could prove sticky for Lucifer and Chloe.
No matter what the story arcs are, the producers say it's going to be the best yet. In their statement following the show's renewal, showrunners Joe Henderson and Ildy Modrovich said, "We are so incredibly thankful to Netflix for resurrecting our show last season, and now letting us finish the story of Lucifer on our terms. Most importantly, we want to thank the fans for their incredible passion and support. The best is yet to come!"
They also told Entertainment Weekly that they have a "crazy" idea for Lucifer season 5.
"We have a lot of exciting ways [to bring Lucifer back from Hell], and one way in particular, to do it that launches an awesome, awesome season five," says Henderson.
Modrovich adds, "We do have an idea [for season five]. It's an idea that when it came up in the room, we went, 'Oh god, that's crazy.' Then the more we talked about it, the more we went, 'and brilliant.'"

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