True to form, Billie Eilish showed up to the Grammys in her signature colour — slime green. For the special occasion, the artist, who was nominated for six Grammy Awards this year, wore a black short-sleeve button down with matching pants and fingerless gloves, all featuring shimmering green Gucci G's. Underneath, she wore a sparkly green turtleneck with bishop sleeves (further proof that statement sleeves are the official 2020 red carpet mood).
For accessories — in addition to glorious, talon-like green nails — the “bad guy” singer wore a pair of tiny black sunglasses and large, gold Gucci logo earrings that appeared to be attached to a chin strap with the same black and green Gucci print as her clothes. To complete this pitch-perfect look, her black and metallic green sneakers featured large green stones. No matter what Billie wears, she always looks seriously cool, and this outfit is no different.
When it comes to her style, Billie has become famous for her IDGAF attitude and baggy clothes. Previously, in a Calvin Klein video for its #MyCalvins campaign, Billie explained, “I never want the world to know everything about me. I mean that’s why I wear big, baggy clothes.” We love how the singer always stays true to herself, and her Grammys outfit definitely did not disappoint.