Get In Formation — The Internet Is Streaming Beyoncé’s Homecoming As A Family

Photo: Courtesy of Netflix.
You're stuck in the house, following the World Health Organization's mandate that everyone should stay in home in order to help flatten the curve of the coronavirus pandemic. You've run out of quarantine snacks, and you've burned through the new titles on your Netflix queue (including the top 10 shows and movies everyone is currently bingeing). Plus, you're feeling a little lonely since you're practicing social distancing. Now what?
One Twitter user had a brilliant idea, and like most brilliant ideas, hers involves Beyoncé. Jasmyn Lawson (@JasmynBeKnowing), the editorial manager behind Netflix's Strong Black Lead, dropped a genius notion on Twitter: an internet-wide Beychella watch party.
"Can we all watch Homecoming as a group some time this week and relive that again???" she tweeted yesterday. The initial post was met with overwhelming agreement (including a co-sign from popular Beyoncé fan account @BeyLegion), and a date was officially set. Wednesday night, Beyhive across the world will relive Beyoncé's epic two-weekend 2018 Coachella performances by tuning in to watch Homecoming on Netflix for the millionth time.
Homecoming: A Film By Beyoncé, which was released as a Netflix original last spring, recaps Bey's incredible and long-awaited Coachella debut as the festival's first Black women headliner. The show sported a colourful HBCU theme — complete with baton-twirling majorettes, a step team, and a marching band — allowing the world to see the beauty of Black culture.
"Being in isolation can weigh on you in ways you don’t realize,” Lawson told Essence Magazine when asked where the inspiration for the Twitter-wide watch party came from. “I remember staying up till 3 a.m. last year when we launched Homecoming and how much joy it brought everyone.”
She's right. Watching Homecoming last year was even better than watching it live (read: from my living room on the official Coachella YouTube stream) in 2018 because the Netflix documentary showed the immense amount of care that Beyoncé put into the show. From the costumes to the drum majors to her manicure, every single detail of the show was a reminder that Bey does everything with intention. And it's the reason why we can't help but stan, even when we've got cabin fever.
“The power Beyoncé has to provide happiness in dark times is truly remarkable," Lawson continued. "I know I lean on her a lot. So I’m excited that people want to do this and provide some of that same excitement! Also, Homecoming is thee best live performance of all time!”
The watch party is set to commence tomorrow night at 9pm EST. Charge your computers and cell phones, pour yourself a glass of whatever you like, and get in formation. It's Homecoming time.

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