To Make Things Worst, A New Survey Says Dads Are More Likely To Get Promoted While Working From Home

Photographed by Sarah Anne Ward.
The pandemic has put parents in a position nobody could have prepared them for. To recap: Many parents struggle to balance work and childcare, but when we say many, you likely pictured many mothers. Businesses are forging ahead in their pursuit of the new normal, but schools and childcare remain a major question mark. Placing the burden on mothers — who are historically responsible for the lion's share of childcare work — to manage homeschool and improvise summer camp during their remote workdays.
To make things worse, a recent survey conducted by Qualtrics and theBoardlist found that over 30% of fathers have been promoted since working from home, compared to just 9% of mothers. In fact, the survey also found that overall, men expect that working from home for a long time could have a positive effect on their careers, while twice as many women think it would have a negative impact.
It's a perfect storm, without childcare to mitigate this imbalance, women are more often tasked with looking after their kids during the workday, while dads enjoy peaceful and more productive workdays that, in turn, lead to better performance at work. What's more, women are increasingly abandoning their careers, forever impacting their earning potential, just to make things work at home.
According to a recent New York Times article, many women hit pause or were able to step away from work during the summer, banking on the return of school in the fall. But since kids are swapping masks at school, they're suddenly pressed to find out how a single person can be a full-time parent while working a full-time job. 

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