Matthew McConaughey Tells The True Story Of How His Dad Died During Sex

When it comes to Matthew McConaugheyMagic Mike star, Texan icon, Wild Turkey Guy, king of the over-the-top Lincoln commercial speeches — he could tell us any wild story and we'd buy it. This one is particularly grim and strange, but again — we buy it.
In the most Matthew McConaughey move ever, the Texan actor spent 52 days alone in the desert without electricity writing his memoir, Greenlights. In a new cover story for People, we finally got a taste of what we're in for when the memoir hits shelves October 20.
In an excerpt from the book, McConaughey revealed that his dad, James Donald McConaughey, died in 1992 in the way he predicted all along. “I got a call from my Mom. ‘Your dad died,’” McConaughey wrote. “My knees buckled. I couldn’t believe it. He was my dad. Nobody or nothing could kill him. Except for mom. He’d always told me and my brothers, ‘Boys, when I go, I’m gonna be makin’ love to your mother.’ And that’s what happened. He had a heart attack when he climaxed.”
McConaughey explained that his father and his mother, Kay, had sustained a very fraught on-and-off-again "sometimes violent" relationship in which they "were divorced twice, married three times." Though McConaughey maintained that there was "love," there, he called their relationship "the Pacific Ocean in a storm.” In a testament to his mother's tenacity, he went on to say that even though his mother is now 88, she's back in the game. In fact, in January, he set her up with Hugh Grant's 91-year-old widowed father. Yes, that is a real Thing That Happened. So, our question is — when is the movie adaptation of Greenlights coming out?

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