Watch Persian & Irish Traditions Come Together To Create One Sweet Union

No request is too big and no intricate detail is too small when it comes to the "Big Day." But why do we get married the way we do? World Wide Wed explores the customs and traditions that define weddings around the globe — and shows how today's multi-cultural couples are making their ceremonies uniquely their own.
For our fifth episode of World Wide Wed, we're staying put in San Diego, CA, where Kelly and Rambod are tying the knot. Kelly and Rambod may come from very different backgrounds, but what they have in common is a deep connection to their respective cultures. Kelly is Irish, while Rambod is Persian, and as Rambod puts it, their cultures have a dramatic influence on their lives and who they are.
While combining different traditions into a single wedding may seem like a tough task, Persian Wedding Designers Shohreh and Zohreh say "it makes the event not just richer but more unique." Rich and unique are certainly accurate descriptions for Kelly and Rambod's big day. They showcase the best of both their cultures throughout wedding in several different ways.
One example of where Kelly and Rambod brought their cultures together is in their personalized Sofreh Aghd. The Sofreh Aghd or "wedding spread" is the centerpiece of a Persian wedding. It's an opulent alter of sorts that contains many symbols of blessings for the couple. On Kelly and Rambod's Sofreh Aghd, among the mirror for brightness and eternity and heavenly fruits for a joyous future, there are Irish symbols, including a bedazzled horseshoe for good luck. Kelly explains, "The horseshoe is one of my favourite incorporations of the Irish culture. You have to hold the horseshoe upright too. It has to be facing the shape of the 'U' because if it faces the other way it also is bad luck — that your luck will run out."
Press play above to see all the other ways Kelly and Rambod mixed Parsian and Irish traditions into one sweet union.

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