Are You Treating The Wrong Type Of Acne?

Tap forward to learn about every type of pimple, and how to treat them.

Papules The Look: Usually pink or red bumps, varying in size. There’s no fluid inside and they are usually painless, unless picked at. They often form in clusters.

Treatment: Twice-daily cleansing with a product with salicylic acid, plus gently exfoliating every day.

Pustules The Look: Red bumps with yellow or white pus near the surface.

Treatment: Look for products with benzoyl peroxide as an active ingredient.

Blind Pimples The Look: Almost invisible — they’re are deep cysts under the skin.

Treatment: If they’re systemic, see a dermatologist. If they just crop up once in a while: a salicylic spot treatment.

Nodules The Look: Appear as large, often skin-toned bumps which usually do not contain fluid. They are generally hard, and can be quite painful.

Treatment: Antibiotics and oral medications, which require seeing a derm.

Cysts The Look: red bumps that contain pus. This is the most severe form of acne and can be very irritating. Usually caused by hormonal issues.

Treatment: If you want to get serious about cystic acne treatment, there’s no getting around derm visits and prescribed meds.

Blackheads The Look: A blocked pore that stays open forms a blackhead — the color comes from oxidation.

Treatment: Regular thorough cleansing and chemical exfoliation

White Heads The Look: A Block pore that closes, trapping the debris beneath the surface.

The Treatment: Regular cleansing of the skin, as well as chemical exfoliants.

Dermatologists Are Your Friend

And remember, it’s okay to have acne! About 40 to 50 million Americans have acne at any one time. You shouldn’t feel obligated to cover it up, or to bend over backwards trying to treat it.